So Reader, if wishes came true and our crystal balls worked, we'd all be able to see the future. 🔮 But the crystals are cloudy. Let's face it. We're typically as good at futurecasting as we are walking in a straight line while texting. 🛑 Don't believe me? Before the world shut down mid-March 2020, would you have predicted we'd be wearing masks, hoarding toilet paper and working from home? Okay, maybe a few of you would. But most of us? Naw. It's a dilemma many of my coaching clients are wrestling with in their careers and organizations right now: How do we plan for a future we cannot predict? My suggestion is to . . . stop trying. Do this instead. Invest the time to get clear on your long-term vision: the future you WANT to happen for you. I take each of my clients through an initial vision exercise at the start of our coaching engagement. It gives them:
How about you, Reader? If it's a good time to brush up your vision, download your free guide, Creating My Personal Vision, here (instantly, no opt-in needed). In no time, you'll have a better sense of where you want YOUR future to go--and you can get in action to do the things that help you get there, faster. ⏩ Don't stay in the dark during confusing times--clarify your vision now, 'cause it's time to soar. Thanks for being here! P.S. Having trouble seeing how to get to your vision from where you are? That's where I come in. Let's talk and I'll show you how a coaching relationship can bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be--no matter what's happening in your work and in the world. Start here to schedule a consultation. --D |
So you REALLY want to be a better people leader—or want to grow more effective people leaders across your organization—but it all feels so darn complicated these days, right? Hybrid workforces. Increased demands on pay and time off. Turnover turbulence. Economic headwinds. Fill in your company's crisis du jour here. 😱 I help leaders create fresh solutions to people problems, especially when it comes to retaining and motivating their best people. In a nutshell, I help you help people stay—and grow, and thrive. And when your people grow, you do, too. **Please know you're not alone. I see you, and I can help. One way to start is to sign up for my weekly Insider strategies and stories—ideas I only share with my private clients and with you directly in email. **
I'm not a robot, Reader . . . Nope, I'm a real person, really writing this note to you. And in case you're wondering: As the world of artificial intelligence (AI) gets more intelligent and less artificial, Iet me promise you one thing: notes you get from me will always be written by ME. (Me being Darcy, not ME being some new bot, app, or digital helper.) That said, I'm absolutely integrating AI tools into my business and day-to-day life, and I encourage you to do the same. So if it's helpful...
The other day, a coaching client of mine who holds a high-profile job told me about a colleague who criticized her in front of an important group of stakeholders. It's not the first time this has happened. But each time it does, her brain flames up with thoughts like: I'm weak and should be able to stand up for myself I'm an imposter and need to work harder I hate that person and I kind of hate myself more for feeling this way Most people would tackle the problem this way: planning their...
I wrote a little poem for you, Reader, in honor of Valentine's Day. It's a little cheesy, but if we can't have some cheese on Valentine's, then what's life for? 🥰 Roses are red & violets are blue. Where work is concerned, do you love what you do? Maybe you think you haven't earned better That you need education, more creds or a letter. Or maybe you think it'd just be too hard To fix up or change up your work that feels charred. The secret, my friend, is having help to achieve Whatever you...